Golf Cart Host: Trunk or Treat 2024-10-27



Golf Cart Host: Trunk or Treat for 2024-10-27


Trunk or Treat

We are inviting members to sign up to decorate an Arrowhead golf cart and participate in a festive parade, handing out candy to our young members.

The best-decorated golf cart will win a prize!

Sponsors will be responsible for bringing in candy. We recommend enough candy for approx.100 kids.

We will have a better count as we get closer to the event.

After the parade, carts will be displayed around the front lawn for trick-or-treaters to enjoy.

This event is complimentary unless you choose to purchase the buffet.

Event Timeline:

4:30 PM

Members can begin decorating their golf carts.

Please note, glitter and scotch tape are not allowed on the golf carts.

Please use painters tape.

5:30 PM:

Tricks and Treats Fall Festival begins | Carts will be lined up for parade downstairs at staging area

5:45 PM

Golf cart parade starts and ends around the front lawn, where carts will be staged for trick-or-treaters.

6:00 PM

Trick or treaters begin popping around to golf carts for candy

8:00 PM

Event concludes

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Rebecca at

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